Wednesday, 8 February 2012

sorrow 2

I was standing behind a mum and her baby today in a queue. As you do, I was watching the baby who was smiling in a dribbly cute kind of way and mum noticed the baby smiling back at me. A few pleasantries later her turn came and she went to sit down to wait for her appointment. As I was still queue waiting, I heard her baby's turn to go into the health visitor - my ears pricked up to hear that he had the same name as my firstborn. - and it is an unusual enough name not to hear it very often.
Even all this time - 8 years on - and tears still welled up in my eyes, knowing I had been smiling and cooing at a baby boy who shared my baby's name - the baby I never got to coo over or smile at, the one I never got to watch grow up.

Grief is a funny thing - biting you on the nose when you least expect it.
I love you baby boy


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